Moon Tracks Astrology Calendars

Featured Moon Calendar

When is the Next Moon Void of Course?

This chart will provide you with two months of dates and times of the Moon's Void of Course beginnings and endings that can be adjusted to fit your region. Know the exact time and date for your timezone so that you can plan your activities accordingly.

Happy New Year 2025

J McCaul, December 31, 2024

All the databases and graphics have been updated for 2025. The scripts will gradually begin to kick in, and by the beginning of January 2, they should all be properly functional. There are a few that the date scripts struggle with, between 2024 to 2025, so please be patient.

We have already swept through all the pages looking for any errors and fixed any that we encountered. After January 2, 2025, IF YOU ENCOUNTER any pages or apps with errors, please contact us using our contact page or through our Facebook page. Include the URL (i.e. /void_of_course_moon_dates.html) of the page with the error so that we know which page since we have several pages that have similar content/information. Thanks!

Sending wishes to everyone for a rewarding and successful 2025.

Happy New Year 2025

US/Pacific Time: February 07 11:00 pm
US/Eastern Time: February 08 02:00 am
February 2025 (GMT)
232425262728 -

Happy New 2024 Year

J McCaul, December 30, 2023

All the tables and databases have been updated for 2024, and as soon as it is Midnight Greenwich Mean Time, the scripts should kick into gear and post the 2024 info. In the Pacific NW (USA) that will be after 4:00 pm on December 31, 2023. For Australia, that should be after 10:00 am on January 1, 2024.

Note Added January 1, 2024: Have swept through all the pages looking for any errors and fixed any that we encountered. IF YOU ENCOUNTER any pages or apps with errors, please contact us using our contact page or through our Facebook page. Include the URL (i.e. /void_of_course_moon_dates.html) of the page with the error so that we know which page since we have several pages that have similar content/information. Thanks!

Sending wishes to everyone for a happy and prosperous 2024.

End of the Year Update

J McCaul, November 25, 2023

Some of you have already reached out to remind us to update the calendars... and, yes, we are working on that, behind the scenes. The Astrology Calendar for 2024 is all up to date. The databases and tables behind the scenes on the other information tables and calendars are being updated as well, but since the majority of the calendars are monthly, you aren't likely to notice any changes until January 1, 2024.

The Personalized Monthly Moon Phase is finally out of test phase and set up as one of our regular pages in the menu list and on our Site Map. Your kind donations throughout the year helps us to create new calendars and moon information that you all can enjoy. Thank you so much for your support.

If at any point you notice that our updates have caused an error on any of our pages, please feel free to reach out to us on the Facebook Page or use our contact page to email the Moon Tracks Gang along with the URL of the page that is throwing the error.

Time Zone Information and Updates

J McCaul, June 18, 2023

First off, if you are one of the many individuals who took the time to fill in our survey, Thank You So MUCH! There's still time to fill it out before the Solstice. The last day to join in with your feedback is June 20, 2023. After that, we will close the survey.

Next, we are responding to a guest from the United States who feels that the time zone situation is too complicated when using our adjustible information pages. While the suggestion was quite sincere and would be a productive one for about 50% of our guests, unfortunately, it would also be non productive for the other 50%. So in an effort to help minimize some frustration for people in the US, we have added a USA Time Zones Resource Page. That link to the USA Time Zone page is near the top section of the Time Zones Reference Page starting with the phrase "USA Update 2023" (Fifth Paragraph under the Title).

Page Updates

J McCaul, March 27, 2023

More Updates. Needed to update some coding behind the scenes on four pages:

If you encounter any errors on these pages, please feel free to take a screenshot and shoot that off in an email or post it on our Facebook page so that I can figure out what needs to be fixed.

Thanks everyone for your patience.

Content Continues

US/Pacific Time: February 07 11:00 pm
US/Eastern Time: February 08 02:00 am
February 2025 (GMT)
232425262728 -
If you found this website useful, please consider donating to help support our online existance. Donations are managed by Fifth House Web Management Services. Thank you!

Lunar Calendar

The main focus of our astrology calendars is on the Moon; "La Luna." So we have a wide range of lunar calendars pertaining to the Moon's movement through the zodiac, the void of course (VOC) transit, the Moon's phases, and the important dates of New Moon, Full Moon and Eclipse events. The daily activities guide is a useful tool for planning through the month. All information is based on Tropical aka Western Astrology

27° Gemini 41'
Moon Phase
77% of Full
Waxing gibbous
NOT Void of Course
Current time is:

Planet Calendars

The Moon's transit is not the only important information. We also provide dates concerning planetary ingress, retrograde motion, overall planetary influence charts, and older calendars so that you can always look back in time.

Ephemeris Tables

The day to day information about transits would not be complete without access to an ephemeris. All the ephemeris tables and charts on this site are created using GMT unless indicated otherwise on that page. Many individuals are curious about declination information. Follow the links on the declination page to read more about the purpose of declination charts.

The Planets Now

Moon Moon 27°Gemini 41'
Sun Sun 19°Aquarius 46'
Mercury Mercury 18°Aquarius 51'
Venus Venus Aries 47'
Mars Mars 18°Cancer 38' Retrograde
Jupiter Jupiter 11°Gemini 19'
Saturn Saturn 18°Pisces 15'
Chiron Chiron 19°Aries 45'
Uranus Uranus 23°Taurus 18'
Neptune Neptune 28°Pisces 12'
Pluto Pluto Aquarius 17'
Provided by
Lunar Living Astrology Logo

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