Moon Calendars / Astrology Calendars 2005 - 2028
January 1, 2025 by J McCaul
Wall Poster Calendars ~ Easy to read calendars in PDF (PDF Reader or Adobe Acrobat Reader Required). Each calendar includes moon events, lunar void of course dates, planetary ingress, direction changes and more.
The information below will explain some of the features of these calendars, funcationality and user agreements. The links to the left open the calendars in new windows using PDF software.
- 1. The upper left corner is the number of the day for the month.
- 2. The symbol in the upper right corner will tell you the sign that the moon was in for that day. You say you don't know how to read these crazy symbols? Click here for a symbol key. (Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
- 3. The center displays the Holidays for the United States.
- 4. The lower left corner represents the stage of the moon for that date. This area of the screen will tell you if the moon is in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th phase, or if it is a New or Full moon. New and Full moons are also designated by a light blue outline.
- 5. The lower right corner indicates the house that the moon is infor the individual that the calendar was created for. This portion can be ignored.

But that's not all! In the normally empty boxes near the top or bottom of each calendar, you find additional important information.

- 6. The calendars are created for the Pacific Time Zone.
- 7. Events list the date and time of planetary ingress into a new sign. SR and SD indicate the point of Retrograde or Direct motion of the planet.
- 8. The Moon's Void of Course times are listed in two columns. The left hand column is the beginning of the void of course and the right hand column is the ending of the void of course.
* The calendars are the product of Lunar Living Astrology and copyright of Matrix Software. All rights are reserved. Single use copy is granted to visitors of this website free of charge.
** Note to Webmasters, Forum Organizers and Fans - Do not copy or replicate the calendars for distribution of any kind on your website or for any other medium - permission will not be granted due to legal restrictions.