Moon Tracks Astrology Calendars

Moon Tracks Calendars' Terms of Use

J McCaul ~ June 20, 2018

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US/Pacific Time: February 07 09:58 pm
US/Eastern Time: February 08 12:58 am
February 2025 (GMT)
232425262728 -
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Lunar Calendar

The main focus of our astrology calendars is on the Moon; "La Luna." So we have a wide range of lunar calendars pertaining to the Moon's movement through the zodiac, the void of course (VOC) transit, the Moon's phases, and the important dates of New Moon, Full Moon and Eclipse events. The daily activities guide is a useful tool for planning through the month. All information is based on Tropical aka Western Astrology

27° Gemini 6'
Moon Phase
77% of Full
Waxing gibbous
NOT Void of Course
Current time is:

Planet Calendars

The Moon's transit is not the only important information. We also provide dates concerning planetary ingress, retrograde motion, overall planetary influence charts, and older calendars so that you can always look back in time.

Ephemeris Tables

The day to day information about transits would not be complete without access to an ephemeris. All the ephemeris tables and charts on this site are created using GMT unless indicated otherwise on that page. Many individuals are curious about declination information. Follow the links on the declination page to read more about the purpose of declination charts.

Planetary Places

Moon Moon 27°Gemini 6'
Sun Sun 19°Aquarius 44'
Mercury Mercury 18°Aquarius 47'
Venus Venus Aries 45'
Mars Mars 18°Cancer 39' Retrograde
Jupiter Jupiter 11°Gemini 19'
Saturn Saturn 18°Pisces 14'
Chiron Chiron 19°Aries 45'
Uranus Uranus 23°Taurus 18'
Neptune Neptune 28°Pisces 12'
Pluto Pluto Aquarius 17'
Provided by
Lunar Living Astrology Logo

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