Transpersonal Planets' Ingress and Retrograde Astrological Information 2023 - 2026
Uranus * Neptune * Pluto
Below is a table for Uranus, Neptune and Pluto Ingress & Retrograde dates, times, retrograde countdown, and zodiac signs for the next few years. Many people wonder when will the planet be in retrograde motion. The countdown has been included at the top of the retrograde/ingress table for each planet. For more information describing the color codes and abbreviations, refer to the main planet ingress page. The current Transiting Ingress and Retrograde calendars are also available (Planet Calendars in the menu to the left of this page).
Today is November 14, 2024 9:51 pm UTC
Uranus begins direct motion in 2 months 15 days
Neptune is currently transiting retrograde motion.
Neptune begins direct motion in 23 days 1 hour 51 minutes
Pluto is currently transiting direct motion.
Pluto begins retrograde motion in 5 months 18 days
Planet | Date & Time (GMT) | Sign & Event |
Uranus | Jan 22, 2023 22:58 | Taurus - S/D |
Pluto | Mar 23, 2023 12:12 | Aquarius - I |
Pluto | May 01, 2023 17:09 | Aquarius - S/R |
Pluto | Jun 11, 2023 09:46 | Capricorn - R |
Neptune | Jun 30, 2023 21:06 | Pisces - S/R |
Uranus | Aug 29, 2023 02:39 | Taurus - S/R |
Pluto | Oct 11, 2023 01:09 | Capricorn - S/D |
Neptune | Dec 06, 2023 13:22 | Pisces - S/D |
Pluto | Jan 21, 2024 00:50 | Aquarius - I |
Uranus | Jan 27, 2024 07:35 | Taurus - S/D |
Pluto | May 02, 2024 17:46 | Aquarius - S/R |
Neptune | Jul 02, 2024 10:40 | Pisces - S/R |
Uranus | Sep 01, 2024 15:17 | Taurus - S/R |
Pluto | Sep 02, 2024 00:09 | Capricorn - R |
Pluto | Oct 12, 2024 00:32 | Capricorn - S/D |
Pluto | Nov 19, 2024 20:28 | Aquarius - I |
Neptune | Dec 07, 2024 23:43 | Pisces - S/D |
Uranus | Jan 30, 2025 16:22 | Taurus - S/D |
Neptune | Mar 30, 2025 11:59 | Aries - I |
Pluto | May 04, 2025 15:28 | Aquarius - S/R |
Neptune | Jul 04, 2025 21:33 | Aries - S/R |
Uranus | Jul 07, 2025 07:45 | Gemini - I |
Uranus | Sep 06, 2025 04:51 | Gemini - S/R |
Pluto | Oct 14, 2025 02:52 | Aquarius - S/D |
Neptune | Oct 22, 2025 09:47 | Pisces - R |
Uranus | Nov 08, 2025 02:22 | Taurus - R |
Neptune | Dec 10, 2025 12:23 | Pisces - S/D |
Neptune | Jan 26, 2026 17:37 | Aries - I |
Uranus | Feb 04, 2026 02:33 | Taurus - S/D |
Uranus | Apr 26, 2026 00:49 | Gemini - I |
Pluto | May 06, 2026 15:34 | Aquarius - S/R |
Neptune | Jul 07, 2026 10:54 | Aries - S/R |
Uranus | Sep 10, 2026 18:27 | Gemini - S/R |
Pluto | Oct 16, 2026 02:41 | Aquarius - S/D |
Neptune | Dec 12, 2026 22:17 | Aries - S/D |
Understanding Transits and Retrogrades of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto
The in retrograde motion is an illusion of the planet moving backwards based on the placement of the planet in relation to the Earth and the Sun. Each of these planets retrograde motion approximately once per year as the Sun is in a sign that is opposing (or close to opposing) that particular planet's transiting sign. Uranus typically retrogrades about 155 days. Neptune's retrograde period typically is about 160 days and Pluto's retrograde frame is approximately 165 days. The retrogrades for Pluto, Neptune and Uranus are generally about 40 percent to 45 percent of the year. When the planet is done transiting in retrograde motion, it will station briefly then resume the transit in direct motion.
The Astrology Promise of Uranus in Retrograde
Uranus' influence is the epitome of "expect the unexpected." Regardless of the direction of Uranus' transit, we must navigate the sudden changes that get thrown out. Some of us thrive on routine and consistency, and when Uranus has game, we feel like we're thrown into a proverbial blender. The sudden changes are actually subdued somewhat while Uranus' transit is retrograde. The period of Uranus retrograde allows us chance to think a little about our reaction to changes. It also gives us a chance to rethink and organize our need for change. Many groups formed while Uranus is direct, actually find more structure and organization after Uranus has begun retrograde motion.
The Astrology Promise of Neptune in Retrograde
Neptune's influence is considered to be creative, dream based and spiritual. We tend to walk around a bit more hopeful and optimistic while Neptune's transit is direct (moving forward). We may be more optimistic because we have an ideal or a fantasy that we hope to achieve. When Neptune's transit retrogrades, our dreams and ideals may start to drip away as reality forces us to come to terms with any portion of the dream that is based on fantasy. We will need to rethink our creative side, as well, since we may start to experience dissatisfaction with our current path or creative focus.
The Astrology Promise of Pluto in Retrograde
Pluto's influence is considered to be evolving, regenerative and transforming. When Pluto's transit is direct (moving forward) we tend to change from the "outside" in as the situations around us typically force us to evaluate our predicaments. When Pluto's transit retrogrades, we reverse this process to an inside-out evolution. Our internal forces seem to break down or redirect us so that we can see our own need for change rather than being forced into the process by others.
To adjust the times for your timezone, add or subtract the number of hours your timezone is from 0 UT. If you live in the western hemisphere (mostly the Americas) you would subtract the number of hours from the time shown on the table. Most of the eastern hemisphere will add hours to the time shown in the table.
Links are provided below for timezone calculators and retrograde information.